“ZNIGO” By this letter we inform you that the supply of ball valves and butterfly valves with pneumatic drivers was carried out by JSC “Mirny Atom” in 2017 for work in the environment associated of petroleum gas with the content of hydrogen sulfide, produced by the “TTV-JC” (Spain) for the customer CJSC “Neftegorsky GPZ”. The supply of the equipment was carried out in full according to the declared technical requirements. “Tatneft” We would like to inform you that in 2016 JSC Mirny Atom supplied a compressor station DKKS – 1000-1/1-7 with a capacity of 1000 m3/h with supervision installation activities and commissioning to compress the oil gas. The equipment was delivered strictly on time, the compressor station meets the declared requirements, currently it is operated at the NGDU Yamashneft. All the questions regarding the operation of the compressor station are instantly resolved with Your specialists. “South Priobsky GPP” By this letter we inform you that the company "Mirniy Atom" JSC in 2016 carried out the delivery of metal-to-metal ball valves produced by the company KE-ARM, s.r.o the Czech Republic, to "South Priobsky GPP" LLC. The delivery of the equipment was carried out in a timely manner and the equipment fully complies with the stated technical requirements “Taif-NK” The company “Mirniy Atom” JSC in 2015 delivered ball valves with a steam jacket for metal manufactured by KE-ARM, s.r.o., Czech Republic, and sampling valves manufactured by SchuF Chemieventile Vertriebs-GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, for the project of "Taif-NK" JSC "Reconstruction of the workshop for obtaining elemental sulfur". The equipment was delivered on time, and the equipment fully complies with the technical requirements. “Azovstal” This is to inform you that the company JSC “Mirny Atom” provided the supply of Rotary Goggle Valve DN 1600, 2000, Double Disc Gate Valve DN 1200, 1400, 2000 mm, Throttle Control Valve DN 400, equalizing valve DN400 and Atmospheric valve DN250 valves of JoshiJampala Engineering Pvt. Ltd. India within the project “Overhaul repair of the first category Blast Furnace ¹4”. The supply of equipment was carried out within timely contractual documentation deadlines and the equipment fully meets the stated technical requirements. “MMSK” Dear Marat Marsovich! «We hereby inform that company JSC «Mirny Atom» in 2015 has implemented the supply of: triple and double eccentric butterfly valve with electric drive AUMA DN600-2000mm, open-type rotary google valve, with electric drive AUMA DN 1200mm, poppet type valve DN1400 with electric drive AUMA, ball valves up to Du125 mm from stainless steel of JoshiJampala Engineering Pvt. Ltd. manufacture India for facility» Technical re-equipment of the sulfuric acid shop. Technological scheme №1.» Supply of equipment was performed within the prescribed time and corresponds to the declared technical requirements. “ArcelorMittal” Herein we’d like to inform that in 2014 year AO “Mirny Atom”, Moscow, Russian Federation, supplied the Snort valve DN 1400 mm with silencer manufactured by JoshiJampala Engineering Ltd. India in accordance with drawing №VPD-1653 for the project “First class overhaul DC-1, DP№6". The snort valve was supplied at the stated date and the equipment fully corresponds with the technical specifications. OJSC “Kazan Synthetic Rubber Factory” Dear Marat Marsovich! We have no claims for quality, package and terms. Tulachermet Dear Mr Fatkullin, We’d like to inform that the Ecological Goggle Valve, enclosed type, RVG DN 2000 as per drawing VPD 5006, manufactured by “Joshi Jampala Engineering”, Ltd, supplied to us by your company in year 2013 and installed at Thermal Power Plant - Turbo Blower Station corresponds with the Technical Specification. At present the valve is in operation and raises no claims on sealing efficiency, control or other claims. OJSC NK Rosneft Dear Marat Marsovich! JSC «NK «Rosneft» inform you about the results of accreditation procedure. Your organization meets the minimum accreditation requirements specified in the standard documentation for the procurement («Requirements to the supplier/participant of the procurement for the accreditation procedure»), imposed by the customer to the participant of the procurement procedures published on the website of JSC «NK «Rosneft» at: In accordance with the above, your organization passed the accreditation procedure on 02.08.2017. Term of accreditation validity – 18 months (from 02.08.2017. to 01.02.2019). Permit of your organization to the procurement procedures will be performed in accordance with the requirements specified in procurement documentation within each particular procurement procedure. Information about ongoing procurements, as well as relevant rules and forms for accreditation procedure are posted on the JSC «NK «Rosneft» website at: OJSC Svyatogor Dear Mr. Fatkullin, Referring to your letter no. 359 of August, 7 2013, we’d like to inform you, that the equipment of “Joshi Jampala Engineering” make supplied to us by your company as per Agreement no. 27 of August, 5 2011 and Additional Agreement no.1 to Agreement no.27 of August, 5 2011, corresponds to the Technical Specification. From March, 2012 till present time the operation of Butterfly valves DN 1200 mm and the operation of Butterfly valves DN 1400 mm, DN 1000 mm from March, 2013 till present time raised no claims to sealing efficiency. OJSC Electrozink Dear Mr. Fatkullin, In accordance with Supply Agreement No. 24 of July, 18 2011, we have purchased Butterfly Valves DN 1400, 2 pcs, and DN 1600, 2 pcs, from JSC “Mirny Atom” in 2012, that were then installed in September. We faced no inconveniences at installation nor troubles at operation. OJSC Segezha PPM To the Management Board of JSC “Mirny Atom” In 2011 JSC “Mirny Atom”, Moscow, effected the supply of isolation valves for high pressure, “ARMATIK” make, for the overhaul of soda recovery boilers (SRB) at OJSC “Segezha PPM”. The technical characteristics of the supplied isolation valves fully correspond with the imposed requirements. During the cooperation with OJSC “Segezha PPM” JSC “Mirny Atom” proved to be a responsible supplier for high-quality and reliable equipment. OJSC Kosaya Gora Iron Works (KMZ) To Mr. Fatkullin, The General Director of JSC “Mirny Atom” We’d like to express our gratitude for your help in choosing and in supply of special purpose isolation valves for the pipeline for dry cleaning of blast furnace gases. We are happy to inform you that the supplied Goggle Valves manufactured by “Joshi & Jampala Engineering”, India, correspond to the highest standards and requirements imposed on equipment for blast furnace production. The Valves were installed and commissioned precisely the way they were designed to. The equipment performance proved its high quality and reliability. Our cooperation with JSC “Mirny Atom” gave us an opportunity to acquire a reliable and promising partner, that duly fulfills its obligations on equipment supply. OAO SODA: “Please be advised that in 2008 year AO “Mirny atom” supplied the shut off valves designed for high pressure (PN 250) manufactured by Armatik. The equipment was delivered at the stated time, the shut off valves by Armatik fully meet the specified requirements”. OAO NLMK: “Please be advised that AO “Mirny atom”, Moscow, supplied to OAO NLMK TPP the shut off valves of Czech manufacture designed for high pressure and proved to be a reliable and responsible supplier. The shut off valve were supplied in accordance with the technical specifications and the equipment was delivered at the stated time. During operation we haven’t detected any hidden faults”. OAO PMZ: “Herein we confirm that AO Mirny atom has been cooperating with OAO Permsky Motorny Zavod for several years on supply the spare parts and components. During the cooperation this company proved to be a reliable and fair partner who fulfilled his liabilities in proper way and time”. AO NZL: “In 2020, «Mirny Atom» JSC supplied closed type goggle valves DN 2000 mm , DN 2600 mm and butterfly valves DN 800 mm, DN 2000mm and 2600 mm manufactured by «Joshi & Jampala Engineering» for the GUBT-16 projects of Severstal PJSC and GUBT-16 for «EVRAZ NTMK» JSC The equipment was supplied in accordance with the technical specifications of the customer. Currently, the equipment is in operation at the customer's facilities. We have no comments on the operation of the equipment. General designer: W.K. Yun |